- Congress languages are Spanish and English
- Plenary sessions will have a translation sevice. Communications and symposiums will be organised according to languages.
Topic Lines
- Line 1 - Teaching experiences of SeL in Higher Education integrating SDGs: General description, participants, DSG (identification of the main ones up to a maximum of three and a brief explanation of their relationship with the initiative), needs detected, service performed, lessons learned, conclusions..
- LIne 2 - Research on the SDGs in SeL within Higher Education/ research on SeL according to the SDGs: Main background of the study problem, SDG (identification of the main ones up to a maximum of three and a brief explanation of their relationship with the work), research question, objectives, methodology, main results and contributions of this work to service-learning.
- LIne 3 - Institutionalization processes of the SeL in the universities with SDGs criteria: Introduction, SDG (identification of the principals up to a maximum of three and brief explanation of their relationship with the initiative), description of the process, participants, more positive aspects, difficulties and strategies used, challenges and perspectives.
Communications, Symposiums and Posters
You can participate by presenting oral communications, attending symposiums or exhibiting posters. In any case, an abstract of the work proposed must be submitted according to the corresponding instructions which are available through the following links:
Instructions for oral Communications
Instructions for Symposiums
Cites and references must use the APA 6th Edition style.