You can participate in this conference in either of the following two ways:
- In person. Where? Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Faculty of Education Science (FCEDU), Campus Universitario del Obelisco) and Las Palmas City Council (Centro Cívico Suárez Naranjo).
- Virtual. Where? Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).
Ways to participate
The conference languages are Spanish and English.
Participants planning to attend the conference in person can send their proposals in one of the following formats:
- Oral presentation. Proposals accepted in this format will be given orally. They may take one of the following forms (you must indicate your preferences in order or priority; the final decision as to the exact format of each session will be taken by the organizing committee):
- A.1. Poster
- A.2. Flash-minute presentations
- A.3. World café sessons
- A.4. Mesas tradicionales de comunicaciones
- Self-organised symposium. Proposals in this format will be made by one person who coordinates the system, which will include 4 to 6 presentations.
- Workshop. Workshops can also be proposed and will be assessed by the Organizing Committee. Depending on the number of proposals received, final acceptance will depend on both the relevance of the subject proposed in line with the Conference’s objectives and thematic lines as well as with the availability of time and the necessary infrastructure.
The only format that virtual participants can use is:
D. Virtual paper. Once accepted by the Conference’s Scientific Committee, these papers will be uploaded onto the UNED “quinnova” platform, where they will remain available for presentation and debate in the corresponding forum. More information here.
For each of these options, consult the instructions published in "Format: general instructions” and "Format: specific instructions”.
Formato: Instrucciones generales
These instructions are the general instructions for submitting written proposals to ApS(U)10.
Kindly consult the exact characteristics for each format and modality (in person and virtual) in the specific indications.
Specific templates for each format can be downloaded here.
- Written proposals may be submitted in Spanish or English.
- All abstracts and final versions shall be submitted via the Easychair platform, the link to which appears in the official conference website. Proposals may only be submitted via the corresponding section on the website. Submissions sent in any other way will not be accepted. Each participant will have to register on the Easychair platform (username and password).
- The procedure works as follows:
- Submit your abstract via the Easychair platform.The format of the abstract must follow the template specifically published in each case.
- The scientific committee will review your abstract and will notify if it has been accepted or rejected.
- If your abstract is accepted, you can then send the final version of the presentation (1,000-1,5000 words).
- Notification as to acceptance or rejection of the abstract will be made through the Easychair platform and may include some suggestions regarding modifications.
- The name of the file you upload must be the surname of the lead author, the initial of their first name and the title, each separated by an underscore (e.g. Cáceres_b_Intervención_con_menores).
- The final version of each submission must be in *.doc or *.docx format. To this end, you should use the template provided.
- All submissions must be aligned to the thematic lines of the conference and, where applicable, to the corresponding area. Only those submissions that include the final version will be taken into consideration.
- To ensure correct reviewing by the Scientific Committee:
- Unfinished texts will not be admitted (they will be deemed unpublishable).
- All files sent must have a 3cm margin on both sides, 1,5 spacing between lines and be written in Arial 10 font. Spaces between paragraphs should have an extra 6 points added below the last line of the upper paragraph.
- For virtual participants, once these general instructions have been adhered to, the following norms should be followed.
Instrucciones generales para el resumen
- Deberá hacer uso de las plantillas para resúmenes publicadas en la web del Congreso, siguiendo las siguientes orientaciones.
- Estructura del resumen:
- El texto no estará dividido en apartados y no contendrá citas o referencias bibliográficas.
- Se ordenará atendiendo a las siguientes indicaciones:
- Título del trabajo (en castellano e inglés)
- Nombres de autoras/es. En cada caso, filiación institucional y direcciones de correo electrónico.
- Para las presentaciones orales: Aparecerá en primer lugar la persona que hará la presentación en el congreso, quien será el contacto de referencia.
Los/as autores/as serán un máximo de cinco y deberán estar identificados por primer apellido e iniciales del nombre. (por ejemplo: Gómez, G.F.; Cáceres, A.M..; …). Los/as autores/as deberán incluir filiación institucional, dirección y correo electrónico. Cada autor/a podrá presentar un máximo de dos trabajos indistintamente al orden de la autoría. - Para los simposios auto-organizados: aparecerá el nombre de la persona que lo organiza/coordina.
- Para las presentaciones orales: Aparecerá en primer lugar la persona que hará la presentación en el congreso, quien será el contacto de referencia.
- Resumen (en castellano e inglés)
- Para las presentaciones orales (presenciales o virtuales): mínimo 200 / máximo 300 palabras
- Para los simposios auto-organizados: mínimo 400 / máximo 500 palabras
- Palabras clave (en castellano e inglés) (entre 3 y 5).
- Línea temática en la que se integra la propuesta (y, en su caso, área A o B)
- Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: mínimo de 3 que tengan mayor vinculación con el trabajo que se presenta, en orden de importancia.
- Modalidad de presentación:
- Presentación oral presencial/ virtual o simposio
- Idioma elegido para la presentación
- En el caso de haber elegido modalidad oral presencial, también deberá indicar el orden de prioridad de los cuatro formatos posibles (el comité científico procurará respetar las prioridades remitidas, no obstante, será quien designe en última instancia en qué formato ubicar cada trabajo y comunicará su decisión final a los autoras/es)
Instrucciones generales para la versión final del trabajo
- Para poder enviar la versión final del trabajo es necesario que se haya cumplimentado y enviado la inscripción que aparece en la web oficial del congreso.
- Las citas se presentarán siguiendo las normas de citación APA 6. No se permite incluir encabezamiento o notas a pie de página.
- Los trabajos serán incluidos en el Libro de Comunicaciones del Congreso que se publicará en formato digital de acceso libre.
- A todos los efectos, las presentaciones orales (ya sean presenciales o virtuales) tendrán el mismo valor para su certificación. Sólo se certificará presentación de trabajo a quien efectivamente la haya realizado.
- Estructura de la versión final del trabajo:
- Se debe indicar:
- Título del trabajo (en castellano e inglés)
- Nombres de autoras/es. En cada caso, filiación institucional y direcciones de correo electrónico siguiendo las mismas indicaciones dadas para los resúmenes en el apartado 2.b.ii.
- Línea temática en la que se integra la propuesta (y, en su caso, área A o B)
- Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: mínimo de 3 que tengan mayor vinculación con el trabajo que se presenta, en orden de importancia.
- Resumen (en castellano e inglés)
- Palabras clave (en castellano e inglés) (entre 3 y 5).
- Atendiendo a la línea temática elegida, deben abordar los siguientes puntos (utilizar la plantilla)
- Para la Línea 1: Experiencias docentes de ApS en Educación Superior con incorporación de los ODS. Se solicita indicar con claridad datos de los participantes en la experiencia o investigación que se presenta (por ejemplo, número de participantes, curso, titulación, entidades sociales, etc.).
- Introducción / Descripción general
- Participantes (en el caso de los/as universitario/as: especificar titulación universitaria y curso)
- Explicar de qué manera se relaciona con la iniciativa los ODS con los que se vincula el trabajo (en el caso de que los ODS seleccionados se correspondan con el 4 y/o 17, intentar identificar un tercer ODS que no se corresponda con los dos citados)
- Necesidades detectadas
- Servicio realizado y su relación con los ODS
- Aprendizajes realizados, con especial referencia a su contribución a los ODS
- Conclusiones, propuestas, retos, proyección futura, con especial referencia a su contribución a los ODS
- Referencias bibliográficas
- Para la Línea 2: Investigaciones sobre los ODS en el ApS de Educación Superior/ investigaciones sobre ApS atendiendo a los ODS:
- Introducción
- Explicar de qué manera se relaciona con la iniciativa los ODS con los que se vincula el trabajo (en el caso de que los ODS seleccionados se correspondan con el 4 y/o 17, intentar identificar un tercer ODS que no se corresponda con los dos citados)
- Principales antecedentes del problema de estudio
- Pregunta de investigación
- Objetivos
- Metodología, con especial referencia a criterios relacionados con los ODS
- Principales resultados y aportes de este trabajo al aprendizaje-servicio, con especial referencia a su contribución a los ODS
- Conclusiones, propuestas, retos, proyección futura, con especial referencia a su contribución a los ODS
- Referencias bibliográficas
- Para la Línea 3: Procesos de institucionalización del ApS en las universidades en coherencia con los ODS:
- Introducción
- Explicar de qué manera se relaciona con la iniciativa los ODS con los que se vincula el trabajo (en el caso de que los ODS seleccionados se correspondan con el 4 y/o 17, intentar identificar un tercer ODS que no se corresponda con los dos citados)
- Descripción del proceso, con especial referencia a criterios relacionados con los ODS
- Participantes
- Aspectos más positivos, dificultades y estrategias empleadas
- Conclusiones, propuestas, retos, proyección futura, con especial referencia a su contribución a los ODS
- Referencias bibliográficas Referencias bibliográficas
- Para la Línea 1: Experiencias docentes de ApS en Educación Superior con incorporación de los ODS. Se solicita indicar con claridad datos de los participantes en la experiencia o investigación que se presenta (por ejemplo, número de participantes, curso, titulación, entidades sociales, etc.).
- Se debe indicar:
Format: Specific instructions
You can participate in the Conference by submitting proposals for papers in various formats: Oral presentations (poster, minuto-flash,...), symposiums or workshops. In any of these cases, you must send the corresponding documentation through the menu Documents submission following the specific indications on the format (poster, minute-flash,...) given below. As an indispensable requirement, in order to send the final version of your paper it is necessary that at least one of its authors has completed and sent the registration form that appears on the official website of the Conference.
Specific templates for each format can be downloaded here.
Poster format
Remember that you must previously comply with the general instructions published for this purpose on the conference website.
In this modality, works are presented using the poster format. The Organizing Committee is working to manage and facilitate that the presentation of the poster does not require printing, thus meeting sustainability criteria. Until it has been confirmed, you are kindly informed that: in the case of non-printed presentation, the room set up for this purpose will be indicated; in the case of printed presentation the posters will be displayed on the panels planned for this purpose. In the latter case, the organization will provide the means to fix the poster to the assigned panel, and the authors will be responsible for printing it. Irrespective of the stated above, once designed the poster must be sent attached onto the platform Easy Chair in format pdf before 1 MAY 2020, for its inclusion on the web page of the conference.
The authors of each poster must be present at the Conference to explain and present their work to the audience in the assigned presentation room, for which they will have a maximum of 5 minutes.
Poster panels are scheduled in slots of 75 minutes. At least a minimum of 25 minutes will be left for the subsequent debate, exchange and participation of the audience. To this end, the convener must ensure that the established time deadlines are respected, for which maximum collaboration of all the participants is requested.
Each participant must go to their assigned presentation room in advance to introduce themselves to the convener designated by the Organizing Committee to coordinate and moderate the session.
Posters may only be presented in the face-to-face modality of the conference. The virtual modality is not available.
In order to prepare the poster, the following recommendations should be taken into account:
a. Maximum and recommended size: 70 cm x 100 cm
b. Orientation: Vertical.
c. The images contained in the document must be at 300 dpi resolution.
Please find below the formats to be followed according to each thematic line:
Minute-Flash format
Remember that you must previously comply with the general instructions published for this purpose on the conference website.
In this format, the presentation of each work will have a maximum time of 1 minute, and will consist of a maximum of 1 slide. It is recommended that the file be in pdf format in order to guarantee greater compatibility.
The Minuto-Flash communications will be organized by the Scientific Committee around a common purpose, and presented in sessions in which a maximum of 12 experiences is initially scheduled. For this reason, it is important that the works submitted are clearly identified with their thematic line (area, if applicable) and with the corresponding SDGs on which they are developed.
Each participant must come in advance to the assigned presentation room to install a copy of their presentation on the computer desktop, and to introduce themselves to the person who has been designated by the Organizing Committee to coordinate and moderate the session.
The poster panels are scheduled to last 45 minutes. A minimum time of 25 minutes must be left for the subsequent debate, exchange and participation of the audience. To this end, the convener must ensure the established time limit, for which maximum collaboration of all the participants is requested.
The computers in the university classrooms lose the contents that have been saved once they are turned off, so it will not be possible to recover the files later.
Round of posts format
Remember that you must previously comply with the general instructions published for this purpose on the conference website.
In the format of "round of posts" each author must go around the groups that are constituted in the room ("posts").
It is scheduled that a maximum of 5 experiences, organised by the Scientific Committee around a common purpose, will be presented at each session. For this reason, it is important that the works submitted are clearly identified with their thematic line (area, if applicable) and with the corresponding SDGs on which they are developed.
The sessions following the “round of posts” format will have a maximum capacity of 50 people. Attendants will be distributed in a maximum of 5 groups. Once the groups have been formed, the persons in charge of presenting their experience will be distributed among the groups and will carry out, in each one of them, a five-minute presentation. Each group then has another 5 minutes for questions and internal discussion. The persons in charge of presenting their experience will remain 10 minutes in the same group. After this deadline, those responsible for recounting their experience will rotate to the next group to restate their work. The process is completed when all the papers have been presented and discussed with all the groups participating in the session.
Each participant must come in advance to their assigned presentation room to introduce themselves to the person who has been designated by the Organizing Committee to coordinate and moderate the session.
The session is scheduled to last 75 minutes. A minimum time of 25 minutes must be left for the subsequent debate, exchange and participation of the audience. To this end, the person in charge of the dynamisation of the groups must ensure that the established time deadlines are respected, for which maximum collaboration of all the participants is requested.
Traditional communications panel
Remember that you must previously comply with the general instructions published for this purpose on the conference website.
In this format, each paper author will be given a set time interval between 7-12 minutes for their presentation, taking into account the total number of participants at the panel. The communications, which will be organised by the Organising Committee around a common purpose, will be presented in different sessions in which a maximum of seven participants is initially scheduled. For this reason, it is important that the papers submitted are clearly identified with their thematic line (area, if applicable) and with the corresponding SDGs on which they are developed.
Each participant must come in advance to the assigned presentation room to install a copy of their presentation on the computer desktop, and to introduce themselves to the convener who has been designated by the Organizing Committee to coordinate and moderate the session.
The communications panels are scheduled to last 75 minutes. A minimum time of 25 minutes must be left for the subsequent debate, exchange and participation of the audience. To this end, the convener must ensure the established time limit, for which maximum collaboration of all the participants is requested.
The computers in the university classrooms lose the contents that have been saved once they are turned off, so it will not be possible to recover the files later.
Specific instructions for self-organized Symposium
Proposals may be submitted to the Organizing Committee for self-organized symposia. The purpose of this modality of presentation is to encourage exchange, joint reflection and debate on a theoretical issue or line of research and the analysis of phenomena, strategies or problems relevant to the disciplinary and/or professional development of service-learning in relation to the Agenda 2030.
Instructions for submitting proposals for self-organized symposia
The person who proposes the realization of the self-organized symposium assumes the coordination of it.
The proposal will be made following the same instructions as for the oral presentations, i.e. the person in charge of the self-organized symposium will send:
- The abstract, containing:
- The thematic line of the congress (and area if applicable) and the SDGs that are the subject of the symposium
- Brief explanation of the subject matter, what the objectives are, and the overall idea of the set of presentations that will be made by the authors of the papers to be presented during the symposium.
- Once the proposal has been accepted, the final submission of the works that make up the symposium will be unified by the symposium convener, making a single submission, following the format published on the official website of the Conference in the general instructions for submission of papers, and following the format published in this section: template.
- At least one of the authors in each paper making up the symposium must be registered at the congress.
Instructions for the development of the self-organized symposium during the Conference
- The symposium will be made up of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 participants, one of them being the coordinator.
- Throughout the Conference, each person may present a maximum of two papers as main author, co-author or coordinator. In the symposium, each of the speakers will present only one paper.
- Before the Conference, the coordinator must propose 2 or 3 questions to the participants, who, ideally, will exchange them among themselves.
- During the presentation, each speaker will deliver his/her presentation, which will lead to an enriching dialogue on the subject matter of the symposium.
- The coordinator will then raise the questions and each participant will explain his or her approach.
- The coordinator will bring together the issues raised during the presentations, posing new questions, problems or proposals. Finally, an exchange will be encouraged with the participants.
- You will be given 75 minutes to carry it out, with the requirement that at least 25 minutes are devoted to interaction with the participants. The convener must ensure that the established time deadlines are respected.
- Self-organized symposia can only be held in the face-to-face modality of the Conference. The virtual modality is not available.
Specific instructions for Workshops
Participants who wish to do so may submit proposals for workshops to the Organizing Committee.
In these forums a particular subject is dealt with in a clear and specific way, with a very well-defined objective.
This modality of presentation aims to deepen on a specific subject through active and participative work dynamics, focusing on a theoretical topic or line of research and analysis of phenomena, strategies or relevant problems for the disciplinary and/or professional development of service-learning regarding the Agenda 2030.
Instructions to submit the Workshop proposal
The proposal of the workshop will be made by a person who will be responsible for its coordination and development.
The Scientific Committee will evaluate the relevance of the proposal, its definition and its contribution to the aims of the Conference. It will be the latter who will determine the acceptance of the proposal and communicate it to its author/s.
The Organizing Committee of the Conference will support this initiative by managing the availability of space and coordinating its inclusion in the general program of the Conference.
This proposal should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The file in *.doc or *.docx format must follow the guidelines in the following template.
Specify in the subject line: Workshop proposal - (name and surname of the person proposing it)
Instructions for the development of the workshop during the Conference
- The space reserved for the workshop will be indicated and communicated to the participants.
- The person coordinating/dynamizing the workshop will be responsible of ensuring that the room is suitable for the activity.
- You will be given 90 minutes to perform it. The convener must ensure that the established time deadlines are respected.
- Workshops can only be held in the face-to-face modality of the Conference. The virtual modality is not available.
Specific instructions for virtual Communication
For virtual participation mode, specific instructions can be found in the following link.
Citations and references for each proposal should use the APA 6th Edition style.