Deadlines for inscriptions and submissions

Deadlines for submission of papers, workshops and simposia

  1. Submission of abstracts: The deadline for the reception of abstracts is 31st December 2019.
  2. Acceptance/Rejection notification: The deadline for notification of acceptance of abstracts is 31st January 2020.
  3. Submission of full papers whose abstracts have been accepted: The deadline for submission of the full final document is 15th March 2020.
  4. Modifications and/or revision of contents: Should the final document sent require modifications or revision before definite acceptance, its autor/s will be notified of this circumstance, and it will be their responsibility to comply with the presentation criteria in order to ensure the publication of their work. Otherwise, the work will not be accepted. The deadline for sending the complete final document with modifications is 15th April 2020.

Deadlines for payment of registration fees

General public (from 17/07/2019 to 30/03/2020) 75,00€
General public (from 1/04/2020 to 30/05/2020) 100,00€
Reduced rate for university students and unemployed
who justify their current situation
General public with dinner (from 17/07/2019 to 30/03/2020)   100,00€
General public with dinner (from 1/04/2020 to 30/05/2020) 125,00€
Reduced rate with dinner for university students and              
unemployed who justify their current situation
