
31st of March, 2021 - Deadline for receiving the final version of your paper

Once the abstract review process has finished, we inform you that the deadline for receiving the final version of your paper will be on March 31st, 2021.

ApSU10 - New Conference date

Firstly, we do hope that you are well and safe.

During all these months, the ApSU10 Organizing Committee has continued working and several meetings have been held in order to devise a new date for the Conference, once it had to be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Taking into account the situation of uncertainty that we still have to face, and trying to be cautious, we want to inform you that the Committee has decided July 7th, 8th and 9th, 2021 as the new date for the Conference to be held.

Upgrade of the provisional program and sustainable transport

The website has updated information about the provisional program and on sustainable transport. Regarding the provisional program, you can obtain information on the dialogue tables set up until today, the assemblies that will take place on the occasion of the congress and social activities that are being organized.

ApSU10 - Conference postponed

Given the current COVID-19 pandemic health emergency, the Organizing Committee of the X National Conference / IV International Conference for University Service-Learning has decided to postpone the celebration of this event.

The process of evaluating the papers proposals submitted continues and those accepted will be included in the future Conference programme.

The new conference date will be announced as soon as possible, as circumstances permit.

We sincerely hope that this unforeseen situation will be resolved as quickly as possible, and we look forward to seeing you in Gran Canaria very soon.

Download official statement of the postponement of the Conference.


February 23 - Extension of the deadline for sending communications

The submission of communications and registrations to the Conference is overcoming our expectations. For this reason, we thank all those who have contributed their effort and collaboration to make this reality possible, and we express our joy in knowing that we will be many who will meet in Gran Canaria from 3 to 5 of June.

These last days we have received many messages asking us if a new extension of the deadline for sending new communications is expected. Since this extension had already been made, the Organizing Committee has reconsidered this request, deciding to extend it a second time until next Sunday, February 23, 2020.